INOHA MEDITATION is a very cheerful and playful way to learn the steps to rest.


The practice of meditation and mindfulness as well as breathing exercises support us to stay in a state where we can feel the conscious connection to our heart and soul. This strengthens the perception of our intuition, love and communication with our higher self.


INOHA MEDITATION also stands for inspiration, openness and friendship. It supports the idea of a soulful lifestyle.


Living a Soulful Lifestyle means being connected to your higher self at your best energy level. Moreover, a Soulful Lifestyle stands for inspiration and energy. Art, expression and fun. Silence and relaxation. This style also includes gratitude and abundance. Authenticity and identity.


In sum, Soulful Living means living pure love. It's about being yourself. And to stay with oneself in community.

To teach means to share


I have been meditating since I was young. Later, I tried all kinds of meditation techniques and practices. I studied meditation practice and became a meditation and mindfulness teacher in 2011 in addition to my actual job. In addition to art, this has also become one of my many passions and topics that I would like to share with people in this new time. From my experiences and in connection with my soul, the INOHA MEDITATION developed in itself.


I realized early on that there isn't one type of technique that's the best of them all. You also don't need a guru or a specific place. You don't need candles or incense either. Or OM. No!


Everything is possible and nothing is possible! It's all up to you what you like, what makes you happy and what you feel comfortable with.


I am happy about every person I can inspire to just get started and experience loving themselves.

The most healing meditation is:

"I love myself!"

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Enjoy Life!

💕 Made with love and light. Möge alles in Fülle auch zu dir fließen .. and better! Danke an meine Frau Inoha für ihre liebevolle Unterstützung.💕