INOHA Manufactura

Spiritual Soul Art ~ Painting and Crafts

My artwork tells stories, makes you look twice, and creates an insight experience with your soul.

A Soul Painting communicates all of that through colours, shapes, forms and other elements.

Looking into our Soul

Soul Paintings, similar to horoscopes or oracles, offer a means of gaining understanding and insight into oneself.

Whether consulting a horoscope, oracle cards, or the mirror of our own soul, these methods can provide clarity and increased self-awareness. Every individual has an inherent curiosity about their purpose, future and direction in life.

We want to know ...

How should I decide?

Am I doing the right thing at the moment?

What do I really want and what is my destiny?

The Soul Painting - A picture is worth a thousand words.

If stress and distraction dominate, it can be beneficial to unwind and introspect with methods such as meditation or a personal Soul Painting.


The Soul Painting can stimulate self-awareness and provide clarity, acting as a form of self-exploration. By intuitively resonating with the soul image, new aspects of oneself and one's life can come into consciousness. Exploring emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations can provide valuable insights for navigating life's challenges.

By examining the soul's reflection, one can become their best advisor, guru, or critical teacher.

The Magic Soul Wisdom

The inner compass which guides us is our soul, offering wisdom and illuminating our life path. Its power enlivens our drive, granting us the energy to pursue authenticity and creativity in expressing ourselves and resolving life issues.


Meditate using your individual Soul Painting to enhance your self-awareness. Your soul wishes to reveal your life purpose and promote your happiness, facilitating identifying your strengths and true desires.

What distinguishes a Soul Painting by Inoha?

Each piece is one-of-a-kind due to its handmade nature. It captures the uniqueness of every human being, which is truly remarkable. The aim is to create a Soul Painting that reminds you of your wonderful individuality, complete with all of your facets, colours and shapes. And with all your power and love!


And if you have the courage to follow your soul energy, that is, your intuition, then the magical moments in your life become possible.

You connect with your soul image and you are connected with the universe.

What to do with a Soul Painting?

A personal Soul Painting can assist us in forming an idea of our soul and enable us to connect with it. We are able to ponder over and obtain insights from the soul portrait. It may aid us in seeking answers to our queries.


The resonance that a person has with the presented Soul Painting determines their response.

In other words, what one takes away from an image is dependent upon their degree of openness and courage to shift their perspective. It is also important to embrace any emotions that may arise and to approach the image with curiosity, without judgement. Mindfulness practices clearly teach the ability to observe and perceive without forming judgements.

How does a Soul Painting come into being?

Everything is energy


Objectively speaking, everything is made up of energy and we are all interconnected. Be it celestial bodies, terrestrial bodies or living organisms, they all share a vibration and consequently generate energy. Some may be familiar with this idea through lunar energies and their effects on our tides and sleep. Each element has an impact on the other. Some individuals may observe this more acutely than others.


Personally, I became aware of my heightened sensitivity to energies or vibrations a considerable amount of time ago. Additionally, I harbour a strong connection to my soul, as well as to my surroundings and other individuals. Nature is also involved. Through my connection with the energy field, I am able to conjure images.


Every human being possesses these abilities, however, they must become aware of them and reawaken the gift.

The Process of Creation


The process of creating images involves me specifically connecting with the energy field to obtain impulses, information, vibrations, and images from the soul of the individual who commissioned the soul image.


Naturally, each soul image appears distinct - it stems from the stimuli received from the respective soul. It is always a momentary depiction. Hence, depending on the soul stimulus, it may comprise various hues, patterns or figures. This produces an image. It can depict a construction or an indistinct portrayal. Sometimes I am inspired to work with various materials.


However, I cannot predict the image that will form. Nonetheless, this unpredictability is what makes the creative process fascinating and thrilling. It feels like receiving a gift that slowly reveals itself, providing a surprise for both myself and my clients. It is akin to reading a horoscope or drawing oracle cards.

Order Your Personal Soul Painting

Ordering Through the order form or via email, you can place an order for your handmade soul portrait.


For invoicing and the ordering process, I require the following contact information:

first name, last name, full address including country.


If you would like, please send me a photo of yourself via email. You will receive your order confirmation via email, which will also include the invoice amount. The invoice will be enclosed with the order confirmation.


After payment has been made, your image will be produced.



100,- € plus 10,- € shipping and handling fees within the EU.

Fees outside the EU depend on the destination country. Please contact us for details.


Not subject to VAT according to §19 UStG.

What you will receive

You will receive a handmade soul painting in DIN A4 format, created with watercolour and/or acrylic paints, and painted on art paper.


Along with the painting, you will also receive instructions for reflecting on the painting's meaning to your soul, in addition to a meditation guide.

Conditions, Shipping, and Manufacturing:

As this is a handmade, unique piece, exchanges are not permitted. By placing your order, you acknowledge that it is a one-of-a-kind channeled motif.


Upon receipt of payment, the creation process will begin. Please note that your right of withdrawal will expire upon payment.


We kindly ask that you settle your invoice via bank transfer in advance.


The production usually takes 4 days.


The shipping takes about 5 business days. If you want a faster shipping, please contact me in advance. The express price must be asked by me.The shipping is from Spain. Therefore I do not give any guarantee how long the shipping will actually take.



The above shipping time information is only a guideline. We can´t guarantee them.

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Enjoy Life!

💕 Made with love and light. Möge alles in Fülle auch zu dir fließen .. and better! Danke an meine Frau Inoha für ihre liebevolle Unterstützung.💕