Ambra: My Vocation as Soul Medium and Mentor

About the meaning of life and my mission

Welcome, I’m Ambra.

What is my calling and mission in life?


What is the meaning of my life?


What fulfills me, makes me happy and gives value to others?


What am I doing here on earth and why? What do I love?


What makes me special? What gives me true value?



These are exactly the questions I have asked myself very often in life. In the course of my life, I have gradually been able to find the right answers to this question. My soul has been the key to answering these magical mysteries in my life and even today I am in constant contact with it when it comes to finding essential answers for myself, my truth and inner well-being.


For me, these were true magical moments of deep inner self-healing. My questions and their answers to meaning and truth in my life guided the path ofmy personal "Soulful Lifestyle" today.


Each of us has this special individual destiny, meaning and truth in life, the secret of which only our soul knows and guards in the form of our soul plan. These are not the typical hamster wheel & Co, the everyday functioning in an outdated system without sense and reason and mere striving for power, money and wealth. These old system structures, together with their artificial world consisting of digitality, AI, mediality, social media madness and globality, have already had their day, because in the world of tomorrow true values such as love, compassion, togetherness, self-determination, appreciation, respect count. Looking beyond the true horizon of our lives offers undreamt-of possibilities of our true being beyond previously unimagined possibilities.


More and more people are waking up, becoming more aware, feeling and realizing that they have fallen into a one-way street and are now looking for a successful way out like you here.


Does it exist, where is it, and what happens if you find it? This is where the most exciting part of your journey to yourself and meaning and truth in your life of tomorrow begins.


As a soul medium and life guide, I am ready for you at this very door. I will receive you with confidence, we will decipher together the secrets of your soul's messages for the right course determination and sail together in the wind on the waves in your truth and meaningful life behind the horizon of your real uniqueness. We let them shine in the visibility of your new reality and bring them sparkling to the use of your whole new magical fulfillment of life.


Learn to trust yourself again, to believe in yourself and your uniqueness, free yourself from old dusty social and belief patterns and, like me, finally become free, wild and wonderful again. 

My mission as a soul medium came to me the moment I listened to the call of my soul

Meine Mission: Soul Medium and Communicator

And other life tasks.

I have been given three life tasks that I fulfill as an ambassador in different roles:


1. As a mentor and entertainer: Bring people closer to the topics of soul and all-One connectedness - and in a way that is suitable for everyday use.


2. As initiator and moderator: Create a community so that people can come together to share ideas and work together for a mission. Everyone should become an ambassador, whether for happiness, mindfulness, love or other topics.


3. As a guide and medium: Accompany and motivate people in times of upheaval. Show people how to communicate with their soul so that they can shape and live their true lives in a self-determined way. Support people in receiving and understanding soul messages.


I have understood and accepted my life's tasks - with my Soul Café I implement them.

Do you already know your purpose of existence?

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Soul Café Mallorca

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Enjoy Life!

💕 Made with love and light. Möge alles in Fülle auch zu dir fließen .. and better! Danke an meine Frau Inoha für ihre liebevolle Unterstützung.💕